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VA Faux Stained Glass
  • VA Faux Stained Glass

    This project teaches about the art and history of stained glass while providing instructions to create faux pieces which will cling to any window or mirror. They are beautiful! Your child will be guided to explore and generate an imaginative design producing an original piece of art offering a beautiful light reflection. Everything you need is in your box! A very popular box!


      •Moxie Manual: 12 page, full color, bound manual. Complete with age appropriate, step-by-step instructions.

      •12 Pack of Permanent markers

      •2 Pieces of Grafix Cling Film

      •Scribbles paint 

      • Cotton Swabs

      •Scratch paper

      • Moxie Pencil

      (You will also need a pair of scissors - not included)


      Shipping policy applies to the Continental U.S.

      We offer a flat rate shipping fee of $5.00 for all past projects and recurring monthly subscriptions.


      Monthly boxes are shipped during the first week of each month. Recurring subscribers can cancel at any time prior to the 1st.

    Excluding Sales Tax
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